Small Prints

A mixture of silver gelatin and pigment ink prints,
early works, prints from 35mm negatives,
4x5 contact prints, bookmarks, and unique things.


Most of these works follow the initiative of the Artist Support Pledge

Started by Matthew Burrows MBE in the Spring of 2020, the Artist Support Pledge aims to foster a sustainable economy and sense of community among artists and anyone wishing to collect work by contemporary makers. It is carried out directly with an artist who posts images of their work online (usually on Instagram— click the hashtag below to follow the offerings) to sell for no more than $220, exclusive of shipping. Anyone may buy the work. Every time the artist reaches $1100 in sales, they pledge to purchase another artist’s work for no less than $220. Learn more here. By this mandate, your support helps to support artists I love, and each time the pledge is fulfilled, I shall share it. Payment plans are available. Write to me at: